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Evox has given me an opportunity to really let go of some core learnings I've been working through over the last six years... I've gone through the transgenerational program and a few other energy patterns that were sticking.

I'm so thankful God has led me to this point where I can actively work with this machine to reframe or shift my thoughts and the blocked energies around core relationships in my life. My healing has been a long process and I think Evox has really helped me to identify and let go of some really deep rooted strong holds.

I'm also grateful to Lynette for walking me through this process.

Warm Regards,


I cannot say enough good things about Acacia and Rennetta. Whenever my body is feeling 'off' and my energy is low, I make an appointment with Rennetta. Between the supplements, treatments, and clean eating, I start feeling better within a week and completely revitalized within a month. I truly believe the treatments reset my body and put me on the best path towards wellness.  Interestingly, I've become pregnant twice while receiving care from Acacia. When I got pregnant with my second child, my thyroid function was very low and it surprised my OB that I was even able to conceive with hypothyroidism. But, Rennetta had me on the right supplements to support my thyroid. I truly believe the treatments and supplements were instrumental in preparing my body for healthy pregnancies.

Jen Ramsey​

What our clients are saying about Acacia Whole Health

Thanks to Acacia Whole Health, I have my life back.  For 7 years my health continued to decline. During the school year of 2014-2015 I had Shingles, Type A Flu, and an Asthma Attack which I had never had before.  At this time I was also diagnosed with COPD, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis.  As soon as I got home from school I was sleeping on the couch until I got up to go to bed.  The last 9 weeks [before working with Acacia], I was only able to work 2 or 3 days per week.  My asthma was so very bad that I was using my emergency inhaler 3 times per day just to be able to teach.  We did find out that there was mold in my classroom.

A dear friend called and told me about Acacia Whole Health.  With the help of Dr. Nikolic we found out that I had [the frequencies of] 7 types of mold in my system along with [frequencies of] Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever and Whooping Cough.  My body was not absorbing food, so I was depleted in many minerals and vitamins.

After 6 months of treatments, my body was much better. My energy was back and I have not been to my family doctor in 18 months.  This past year of school I was not sick once.  My GYN told me this week she could not believe the difference in me.  She had written in her notes that she was very worried for my health at my appointment last year.  My pulmonologist was also amazed at the changes in my breathing and decreased my daily inhaler by 75 percent.  This summer I was able to work outside for the entire time.  We resided and painted our home and built a large shop.  My husband and I did most of the work.  I am back to walking 4 miles a day and feel like I have gained back 10 years.

Many of my friends have seen such a difference in me.  It has been a blessing to be able to refer several people to Acacia Whole Health.  Once again, I want to thank Acacia Whole Health for giving me back my health.

Thanks so very much,

Brenda Shue

When first arriving to Acacia, I was a 25 year old woman in a wheelchair having been off-set by Multiple Sclerosis since the age of ten.  I was in terrible shape, and my neurologists couldn't offer me more than additional medication that I would be stuck taking for the rest of my life, that really wouldn't make me feel any better, anyway.  This is where Rennetta Nikolic and her incredible team comes in.  After being fed up with the way my body was feeling, I heard about Acacia Whole Health through a family friend.  They went on, and on about how much better they were feeling after getting treatments, and that I should try it.  I mean, what did I have to lose?

For my first day check-up, I didn't say a word to Rennetta.  I didn't want to tip her off as to what was wrong.  I wanted to see if the program she was using could actually tell.  The first scan of my body registered on her computer, and she began telling me what was showing up.  I couldn't believe it.  The second scan, the third, and it was all accurate.  It explained so much!  She asked about my genetics, my background, and it all started making my health problems so clear!  If only I had met her when I was ten.  She suggested a round of treatments with one of their Rife machines to kill-off some [pathogens] in my system that the program had found; specifically, Strep throat.  When first getting the treatment, I thought, “great- this is just a bunch of hocus pocus,” but by the next day, I had full blown Strep, and after three treatments (3 days in a row), it was gone.  I felt like a brand new woman! Now if THAT isn't medicine, I don't know what is.  She suggested that I take a few supplements to aid in the healing process, and slowly, my physical self started coming back.  I can now feel my finger tips and move my legs again.

It may be a long road to recovery for me, but with Rennetta guiding me, I feel confident that I'll actually get there.  I have been her client for nine months now, and would highly recommend her practice to anyone wanting to feel better, and especially to those wanting to stay on top of their health.  Incredibly grateful.

Anne Frankovich

Thank you for our recent appointment. My test showed I had e-coil in my system. The message below showed up days later on social media for our neighborhood. I thought you’d appreciate seeing this.
I would love to formally give you recommendations and testimonials now and at any time in the future. 
The holistic health programs you’ve provided for me and my family have been life changing for the better.
Thank you from all of us!
Te’a Stegenga, happy patient

I’m so glad I discovered Evox at Acacia Whole Health. This method of emotional healing was life-changing for me. In my six sessions with Lynette, I got to the core of the major issue that has caused inner turmoil for most of my life. Despite many sessions in traditional psychotherapy over my adult life, this issue never came up. Evox goes deep, does it fairly quickly, and has lasting effects.  I’m so grateful to Lynette and Acacia Whole Health. 

Maggie Pike

I took my son to Acacia Whole Health many years ago. He was seen by [Tyteeka Reye].He was [scanned] for parasites and zapped with a high frequency generator. It took me a while before I realized that getting rid of his parasites had been the key to getting rid of his multiple allergies which he suffered from for many years. I had not made the connection because he was being treated with other alternative health methods.

However shortly after his parasites had been addressed his allergies seemed to disappear. This lasted about two years.

Then his allergies had started to come back. I was chagrinned at that point because I was not sure what had gotten rid of them two years prior. But I went back and looked at the treatments he had been given two years prior... I chose the zapper (high frequency generator) to treat parasites and bingo, his allergies disappeared again.

I had not thought to write you and thank you at the time because it had been two years since our visits to Acacia Whole Health. No one at Acacia had told me it would cure his allergies so I did not make the connection then. I am doing this now.

Your treatment ended a viscous cycle of dealing with multiple allergies (body reactions) that plagued my son's life for thirteen years. I had no idea and no one actually told me that the toxic waste from the parasites had been the main culprit all along. The toxins had triggered his body's immune system from within. It was why he could never get rid of his allergic reactions and why he reacted to more and more things whether through eating, breathing or touching. He was overly sensitive to everything. His body's immune system was overworked day and night because of the internal parasites.

No doctors or alternative health practitioners had mentioned to me that parasites could be or would be the reason my son had multiple allergies. It was like he had been allergic to the world.

I am relieved that I made this connection through my search for ways to cure my son and I am grateful to Acacia Whole Health for providing these services. You are probably aware of this connection already, but in case you are not... I want to tell you that detecting the hidden parasites and killing them with the high frequency generator stopped his body's allergic reactions... Cured his multiple allergies!

I thank you.

Mary Font

Client Testimonials

I just want to share that I truly believe Rennetta Nikolic and Acacia Whole Health have just saved my life!!

I had been extremely ill and systemically swollen for the past 9 months and have felt poorly for about 15 years. My words to Renetta were “I think I am dying”. I repeatedly went to see my doctor with no success or help. I had been getting worse by the day during this past year...    

 I must admit that I was a little skeptical at first however I began to feel better within a week. By the 10th day my family, friends and co-workers were asking me what I was doing because they could see such a huge difference in me in every way. The wheezing and shaking of my hands has stopped. I am able to go up and down steps again without having to do a step at a time, the sores on my head are almost gone, I have more energy than I have had in years, I’m sleeping better, my finger nails are growing again, my hair is shiny, the color and look of my skin is healthy again, I’m no longer hungry all the time, my brain is functioning and I am no longer struggling for words when speaking. I can think clearly and remember again! I lowered my insulin in half by day 10 and my A1C reading is indicating I may be able to lower my insulin again. I have lost 26 pounds in a month! I feel confident that my improvement will continue over the next few months and am a firm believer this is the way to control my health in the future.

These treatments are miracles. 


Rennetta is my life saver.

A little bit about myself. I am a 27 year old young adult. I live an honest and healthy lifestyle, anyways I thought I was! I am active with adult gymnastics, I eat lots of veggies, I love my morning coffee. Everything seemed to be as healthy as it could be. Except, I was feeling crummy. I was struggling for many months with weird ankle swelling, mood swings, PMS, waking up after 8 hours of sleep feeling tired, just completely off balance. My mind was on its own depressing path. I had to seek help. I have went to western doctors many times and all they want to do is give you prescriptions. How can a prescription be the fix when the list of side effects to the pill is more trouble then what I'm going through. It's a trap!!!!!...

...A friend of mine referred me to Rennetta. I've never been to a Naturopath and I was excited to see what we could figure out. The first day I went in Rennetta went over many questions and asked what brought me in. I told her everything, what I was eating, how much I was sleeping, PMS, my job duties. She was open to hearing what was going on. Then she ran a test to check if I had any bacteria or fungus in my system. Which everyone usually does but its not healthy. She was able to check all my hormone [frequency balance]. Also ran a [scan] to see how all my organs were functioning. I was blow away by the amount of information she provided me about my own body. You will not get a complete body scan anywhere else. I was shocked. The results that came back totally matched up to the way I was feeling. Even though I thought I was living healthy there were things I had to change to feel better. I cut coffee out of my life and found amazing teas I love to help my adrenals get back to functioning full force. In western medicine they don't even bother to know what your current lifestyle entails let alone change a thing to make a difference. Instead they give you a temporary fix of a prescription that actually ends up making things worse.

After a two hour session with Rennetta, she gave me some vitamins and I was on my way.

After two weeks of treatments and vitamins I was feeling my energy coming back. I was waking up after 8 hours of sleep feeling refreshed. I wasn't crashing into a sad mood. After having swelling in my ankle for two years it was gone. I had to adjust a few nutritional habits, but man I was so open for change if it was going to bring me a better life and it did.

I have completed three sessions with Rennetta and many treatments. It has done me wonders, no more bacteria no more fungus in my system, no more mood swings, no more ankle swelling. I had no idea all this was possible.

Be open to new directions, you only have one body, treat it right.

Into Wellness
Tanya Hill

I'm working my way through various health issues but it cheers me immensely to be free of the "raw fish" tapeworm! I look at pictures of myself from years back and remember that "gray pallor" on my face, at times, and how I just am not dealing with that now. I tried a number of products and foods attempting to rid myself of this parasitic infection. What worked was what I did at Acacia!




I had been sick for years with everything from migraines, to joint pain, to long bouts of extreme fatigue.  I had seen numerous doctors and had settled on this was simply mine to manage.     Acupuncture was what kept me afloat until one day I could not get out of bed.   One day ended up being 5 months.  A colleague of mine recommended me to Dr. Nikolic of which changed my course for the better.  Dr Nikolic discovered something that no other doctor could; she found that I had Lyme Disease.   Although the road to remission is a long one; Dr. Nikolic saved my life.  I cannot imagine where I would be today if I had not seen Dr Nikolic when I did. 

Thank you for all that you do!!!
Jodi Foster

I came to see Dr. Nikolic at the suggestion of an acquaintance, and my life, literally, changed for the better. I'd taken early retirement a year before, looking forward to doing so many things. However even before I retired I'd found myself feeling older and more tired. I gave myself all the time to rest, relax, rejuvenate. But instead I found just the opposite. As time went on I became more tired and lethargic, with a foggy mind, no ambition, plagued with muscle aches that seemed to worsen with each passing month. I'd taken to doing stairs one at a time and struggled just to get through the day.

After receiving the doctor's recommendations and starting the treatment and supplements I noticed the first glimmer of improvement in only one week. By one month the improvement was steady and remarkable, as I began to be so much less achy. Before three months had gone by I literally felt as if I'd gone back in a time machine fifteen years. I have a spring in my step as I take the stairs happily, I have ambition and excitement again, have shed unwanted pounds, restored my healthy hair, and enjoy my clear brain. All good! I know conventional medicine would not have dealt with my ailments and depleted condition, but Dr Nikolic's analysis and treatments (totally easy and painless!) saved my life. Yes I know that's a big statement but that's how I feel. I had given up looking forward and felt old, tired, and struggling. Life was on an increasingly downward spiral, but in such a short time I'm now energized and feeling super.

I am just so appreciative to Dr. Nikolic for her help and kindness.

Thank you for - literally - giving me my health back, a priceless gift.


I am a 73 year old woman who has had a history of bladder infections (or urinary tract infections) for many, many years, one year having 15 infections in 12 months!  My doctors just kept putting me on antibiotics until this spring when it was discovered that my body was resistant to almost every antibiotic out there which is very scary!  Of course, with all the antibiotics I developed the yeast infections.  So my body was full of all kinds of bacteria, fungus and other pathogens, which I found out through the [scan] with Dr. Nikolic.

            In addition to...supplements, she set up a schedule for the Frequency Generator treatments to start immediately and do every day if possible.  I was not able to do the treatments daily but have them done three times a week.  I no longer have any pain and have not had a bladder infection (UTI) since I started on the supplements and treatments prescribed by Dr. Nikolic.  ...After the first 20 treatments I no longer had any bacteria but still have some bladder inflammation which now may be caused by certain foods in my diet.  So now, in addition to continuing the Frequency Generator treatments, I am trying to follow diet restrictions to clear up the remaining inflammation.  But, I am in no pain and have no bladder infections...Consequently, I am extremely pleased with the results and will continue until everything is resolved.

Rose M. McLaughlin

I have to tell you something interesting.  I just got back from Europe.  I went with my cousin's choral group.

 The schedule was grueling -- a different place and hotel every night.  My cousin told us at the start that this was not a vacation.  A vacation is where people can sleep in and take their leisurely time doing things.  Not in this case.  There were mornings when the alarm went off that I felt like I had been run over by a truck.  We sang in famous cathedrals and churches in five different countries.  We traveled by bus.    

 As soon as we landed in Paris, we had to run to the bathrooms and change into our singing attire and head to the American Cemetery at Normandy.  It was pouring down rain.  All my rain gear was in my suitcase under the bus.  I was there, so I went out in the rain.  It wasn't even a warm rain.  Then I got back on the bus.  The bus was freezing.  At our first stop to eat, I found a blanket to buy -- similar to what you would get on a plane.  We literally did not go to bed for 48 hours...

Here's the amazing news.  Not once in two weeks did I get sick.  Building up my immune system this winter got me through this trip.  I took my cell food with me and my enzymes and Vitamin D3 as well as my Airborne.  Our schedule was crazy and hard on this 63-year-old woman.  We walked miles and miles every day.  We were given a limited amount of time to sight-see. The buses could not pull up to the cathedrals due to the threat of terrorism.  We walked a good 15 to 20 minutes just to those places.  I should have been sick.  People were getting sick along the way, but somehow, someway, my immune system was in full force and effect.  I got back on Sunday.  I'm tired but not sick.  It's truly a miracle.  My old self probably would have been sick and in a European hospital.  


Dr. Nikolic,
I have been meaning to email you and thank you for discovering my hormone issue. I am feeling SO much better--less pain, less weakness, more energy. Granted, I'm still an 80 year old woman, but I can handle age related things if I feel as good as I do now.

I so appreciate your getting to the bottom of it and not stopping until you did!

Marilyn Molzahn

Just want to tell you that I feel better today, than I have felt since my health went "down the tube" on Oct. 22, 1997!!!!!!!!!

I have been told, in the last week, that I'm looking better as well as seem "stronger" three people!

I have been feeling better AND stronger...but today I can say that I feel REALLY good.

I want to tell you that, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me!!!

I'm looking forward to next scan...!

Christy Andrews

“I’ve had Lyme disease since 2009 and as a result multiple co-infections (parasites, fungus, etc).  Prior to Acacia, I was being treated by a two different Lyme literate doctors and I was prescribed multiple western medications and spent well over $20,000.00+.  I started going to Acacia Whole Health back in 2012 and purchased the rife GB-4000 for home use.  I’ve been able to overcome Lyme and other co-infections now without any prescription medications.  Although I have “flair ups” from time to time, all I need to do is diligently use the rife machine and typically they subside.”​

Richard W.

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